Sunday, August 10, 2014

Personality test

2.1 'Emotional stability'

This personality trait pertains to the extent to which a person is sensitive to stimuli in the environment and needs to have certainty and stability.

Your score on this trait is average. This means that you are normally relatively calm. Your emotional response primarily depends on the situation. You only feel stressed or out of balance when put under pressure or forced to deal with setbacks. It is not very difficult to get you riled, and in general you may feel bad about losing, but this does not keep you awake at night. It is relatively easy for you to get past feelings, such as shame. You certainly have your doubts and worries, but these do not dominate your thinking. Most of the time you can think rationally and put emotions into their proper perspective.

2.2 'Extraversion'

This personality trait pertains to the need for social stimuli. It sketches the extent to which a person goes looking for action and others, for the place where things are happening, or tends to avoid disturbances.

Your score on this trait is extremely low. With others, your attitude is relatively reserved or formal in comparison with other people. In general, you have little need for external stimuli and you like being alone. This does not mean that you are anti-social, however. You simply do not feel the need to be heard or to voice your opinion unasked. You appear to be reserved and you are less talkative with others. You like to take one thing at a time. You enjoy being alone. You can be typified as a person who tests the waters. Others may consider you to be quiet and closed. You prefer to be with people who, like yourself, like staying in the background. You feel less at ease with people who are highly spontaneous and enthusiastic.

2.3 'Conscientiousness'

This personality trait pertains to purposefulness. It reflects the extent to which a person is focused, exact and orderly, or flexible instead.

Your score on this trait is average. This indicates that you are a person who has his/her affairs reasonably well organized. You like to take a systematic approach without being too prudent. It is probably relatively easy for you to find a healthy balance between your work and your private life. You are the kind of person who can achieve impressive results with relatively little effort. However, striving for perfection is not in your nature. In other words, you are a person who acts to achieve a certain goal but who is willing to compromise. This makes you both effective and flexible, so that many people consider you to be a pleasant colleague or person. In general, you get along well with people who like order and neatness. As long as they are not too persistent.

2.4 'Agreeableness'

This personality trait pertains to attentiveness and people mindedness. It indicates the extent to which a person is interested in other people, and how affable the person is. A lower score points to a more business-like and functional approach.

Your score on this trait is extremely low. In comparison to others, you are relatively direct. In general, your approach to others is business-like and sometimes even somewhat detached. In comparison with others, you are strong-willed. This means that you are a person who is generally competitive, in any event more so than others. Every now and then, others will think that your attitude is superior. You are not always the first to quickly or spontaneously help others with their personal problems. You can appear to be insensitive, stubborn and business-like. As a result, sometimes people will think you are not nice. However, people will also respect or appreciate you for your relatively direct and business-like attitude. In general, you get along well with people who, like yourself, are independent and straightforward. It is usually more difficult for you to deal with people who tend to be extremely mild or who try to be indirect.

2.5 'Openness'

This personality trait pertains to originality and intellect. It is related to the extent to which a person searches for new insights, or has a more practical, routine-like attitude.

Your score on this trait is high. This means that you probably have a relatively well-developed imagination. Others will sometimes typify you as being creative or reflective. You sometimes show broad interest and curiosity. You are often open to new experiences, solutions or values. Sometimes you tend to break away from routines and fixed patterns. You are often curious and take a relatively broad view. You enjoy exchanging ideas sometimes or acquiring new knowledge. You are not very fond of routines and fixed patterns. In certain ways, others may consider you to be curious, exciting or learned. You can become troubled when people are afraid to discuss things or insist upon maintaining the status quo. You feel more comfortable with people who can be independent or original.

3. Key personality types

In this section, whether combinations of personality traits will result in an additional key personality type is reviewed. You have seen your score for each of the main traits for the Big Five. The score was assessed in terms of (very) high, (just) above-average, average, (just) below-average or (very) low. Combining the non-average scores results in key personality types that significantly add to your five personality traits. A key personality type can be used to summarize your personality based on your scores for the Big Five. A person with an very high score for Emotional stability and an very high score for Extraversion can also be very decisive. This person will be relatively unaffected by stress while also being the type to easily take charge. A person who scores above average for these personality traits but not very high has this personality type to a somewhat lesser degree. The personality type is then applicable clearly or depending on the situation rather than very clearly
Based on your scores the following key personality types are very clearly applicable:
Your scores for Extraversion and Agreeableness can result in an attitude that can be typified as strict.Other characteristic of this type of personality can be a preference for being alone and a rational approach towards people. As a result, these people may seem to be stiff or gruff in the perception of specific others.

Your scores for Openness and Agreeableness can result in a personality that can be typified as rebellious and critical. People with this type of personality like to leave the beaten path without first taking the feelings of others into account. In interaction with others this personality may be considered challenging and self-willed.

Your scores for Openness and Extraversion can result in a personality that can be typified as philosophical. People with this type of personality generally have broad interests and prefer to work alone. In their behavior, they may sometimes seem to be individualistic, complicated or sagacious.

4. Summary

Some people are naturally more modest while others gladly sing their own praises. Because this report reflects how you see yourself, the results may have been influenced in a certain direction. You can also have someone else who knows you relatively well complete the test about you. Differences as compared to the test you completed for yourself may say something about your self-image or the way you show yourself to others.
Personality traits are generally considered to be relatively constant over the course of time. It is therefore wiser to look at the traits that you have and how they can be used to your advantage than to try to change a trait. That is much more difficult if not impossible, and requires relatively much more energy. Moreover, a certain trait that is less desirable in some situations can be highly advantageous in another situation, work or otherwise. The challenge is finding a hobby, study, partner, and home or work environment that is the best suited to your personality. The better the fit between your environment and your personality, the more at ease you will be and the better you will feel. This can be translated into happiness, success or pleasant relationships with others.
Lastly, it should be noted that this test measures five of your personality traits. A person's personality cannot, however, be completely expressed in five traits. Each individual is too unique to determine exactly how his or her personality works merely based on a list of questions. This test gives you the vocabulary with which you can look at yourself in comparison to others and learn from that comparison. In other words, understand that the test summarizes your personality without an ultimate total judgment. That is theoretically nearly impossible to do.

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