Saturday, August 9, 2014

Career test results

In this test you had to choose between pictures showing specific work activities. Each picture depicted work associated with a specific type of personality. These types are derived from Dr. John Holland's theory of careers and vocational choice, known as Holland Codes.
There are six personality types in Holland's model:
  • Realistic: practical, physical, concrete, hands-on, machine, and tool-oriented
  • Investigative: analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative, thinker
  • Artistic: creative, original, independent, chaotic, inventive, media, graphics, and text
  • Social: cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing, teaching
  • Enterprising: competitive environments, leadership, persuading, status
  • Conventional: detail-oriented, organizing, clerical

Personality types and Holland Codes

Dr. Holland did not say that a person is just one of these types. Then there would be only six types of people in the world. Instead, any one person can have interests associated with all of the six types. When you rank the types, starting with those you have the most interest in to those you have the least interest in, you get your specific Holland Code.
There are some 720 different combinations possible, like ISERAC, AIRSEC, or CSERIA. Generally, however, only two or three letters are necessary to create a useful description, such as SC, IRC, or AIC. Such a description may apply to both a person and a work environment. By typifying both people and work environments with Holland Codes, we can calculate matches between them. This helps you assess a potential career or vocational choice.

Your personality type

You preferred 'Investigative' the most, followed by 'Conventional' and 'Artistic'. Your six letter personality type is 'ICARES'. Your personal preference is also shown in a graph below.

Your personal Holland Code

Depending on how strongly you favor any specific type you can compose your own personal Holland Code. You do this by taking the first letters of the types you favor most. In your case, this is the letters I, C and A Your personal Holland Code then becomes either ICA, IC, CI or even CIA.

Your jobs

Here is a list of jobs that fit your Holland code ICARES. The list is only part of all jobs that fit your personality. You should use this list of occupations as prototypical examples. A total of 20 occupations are suggested based on your score.

Work values test result:

Team roles test result:


The analyst has a tendency to be reserved and critical. The analyst will also react to plans and ideas in a rational and sensible way. He or she will favor a prudent approach to matters and will evaluate them according to their accuracy before acting.


The expert has the skills and expertise required for the specific task at hand. He or she has a strong focus on the task and may get defensive when others interfere with his or her work. The expert prefers to work alone and team members often have a great deal of trust and confidence in him or her.


The executive is sometimes also referred to as the organizer. The executive is generally disciplined and eager to get the job done. He or she is efficient, practical, and systematic. Executives are well organized and diligent, and quickly turn the ideas of a team into concrete actions and practical plans.


The driver is generally very ambitious and energetic. He or she may appear as impatient and impulsive. The driver is a strong motivator and will challenge others at crucial times. Although the actions of the driver may sometimes seem somewhat emotional, they do play a crucial role in pushing the team forward to succeed.


The innovator is often the creative generator of a team. He or she has a strong imagination and a desire to be original. The innovator prefers to be independent and tends to approach tasks in a scientific way. As an creative individual the innovator may play a crucial role in the way a team approaches tasks and solves problems.


The completer is very conscientious and feels responsible for the team's achievements. Completers are concerned when errors are made and they tend to worry because of their controlling nature. The completer is also known as the finisher because they are most effectively used at the end of a task, to polish and scrutinize the work for errors, subjecting it to the highest standards of quality control.


The chairman has a strong coordinating role. With an emphasis on procedures, the chairman will try to bring and keep the team together. He or she is communicative and deals with the members of the team in a respectful and open-minded way.

Team player

The team player is caring, avoids conflicts, and fosters harmony. Being someone who likes to help other people, the team player is generally considered agreeable and friendly. He or she is diplomatic and emphasizes solidarity and team cohesion.


The explorer is generally an extrovert by nature. He or she is cheerful, gregarious. The explorer is also investigative, interested and curious about things. Because explorers like to improvise and communicate with others, they will have little problem presenting ideas to the team and developing new contacts.

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